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18 July 2024



Rice, wheat anchor of Indian food security

As rice and wheat, two of the world's most important staple crops, are the anchor of Indian food security system, extensive research in these crops is required, the country's leading agricultural scientist M S Swaminathan said today.
quot;Rice and wheat are the anchor of Indian food security system. There is a need for extensive research in these two crops which has fallen behind across the world,quot; M S Swaminathan said at a function here on 'Igniting Research in Rice and Wheat'.
He appreciated the Beechell-Borlaug International Scholars Programme (MBBISP), an initiative by US-based biotech major Monsanto which aims to train scientists in improving research and production in rice and wheat.
quot;I thank Monsanto for commencing this programme and especially selecting these two crops -- rice and wheat. Even though rice and wheat production is pretty good in India, we can never relax.
quot;We need to be equipped to address the emerging problems of climate change to agriculture,quot; he said, adding that the successful research students from this programme will have a larger role to play in India and world.quot; Monsanto launched the Rs 50-crore programme this year to create a global talent pool of plant breeders in rice and wheat to address the problem of food security.
quot;We hope India's large scientific talent pool of young breeders will exploit this opportunity and contribute to meeting the needs of a growing population by overcoming the challenges facing global agriculture,quot; programme Director Ed Runge said at the meet organised by Monsanto. Interested scientists can apply for this programme latest by May 31, he said, adding that total 8-10 students will be selected from both developed and developing worlds.
quot;The programme will enable future generations of farmers to have access to the best varieties in these crops via agriculture science and innovation and help them produce more grain on the same amount of land,quot; Monsanto India Lead Sekhar Natarajan said.
Rice and wheat are considered the most important staple crops in developing countries, providing necessary calories to feed billions of people every day. Many of the world's poorest people rely on the two grains as a key source of food.

The Press Trust of India

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