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20 July 2024



Rains change panorama for corn and soybeans in Southern Brazil

Rains cornsoybeans Southern Brazil

The Institute of Rural Technical Assistance of Rio Grande do Sul has informed yesterday that climate conditions in the southernmost state of Brazil in the next days will be crucial. Nearly 90 percent of the soybean crops in Rio Grande do Sul are flowering and the weather forecast from the 14th of February to the 20th of February includes rains in all regions of the state.

In the previous week, most crops in the state suffered with lack of humidity with fall of leaves. According to experts, the soybean production potential will restored.The corn crops at the flowering stage in Rio Grande do Sul have shown “hydrological stress”, but the harvested area was not affected by the dry weather.

In the state of Paraná, also in southern Brazil, torrential rains are also on the way and might change the prospects for the crops. However, some regions already have generated significant losses, as reported previously by AgroSouth News.

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