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16 July 2024



Quality and efficiency of logistic resources will determine the fate of agriculture - international expert

The potential for improvement of the efficiency of agriculture is much higher in developing countries than in developed countries. This point of view was expressed by Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in University of Goettingen in Germany Ludwig Theuvsen. He said that Ukraine plays an important role in supplying the world population with food, but at this stage investors are discouraged by unreliability and unpredictability of the domestic conjuncture of the agricultural sector.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UNO, to meet the demands of the growing world population and to provide food security, farmers need to increase the production in 2050 by 70%. According to foreign experts, improvement of productivity of agriculture is possible, providing the professional and competent application of knowledge, skills and modern technology.

"First of all, agriculture is always very dependent on environmental conditions such as soils, climate, and weather. Because these factors can not be modified, two other aspects are of paramount importance: agricultural materials such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, and organization of logistics of agricultural products - thus many countries can achieve significant efficiency improvements"- Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in University of Goettingen in Germany Ludwig Theuvsen said.

The expert claims that the potential for increasing the efficiency of agriculture is much higher in developing countries, and in countries with transformational economy, in comparison with the developed countries.

"The Black Sea region plays a crucial role in providing food security in a globalized world with growing population. Natural conditions of the region are simply extraordinary. Therefore, it is time to activate the full potential of the Black Sea region as the "breadbasket" of the world by improving the efficiency of agriculture, the local supply chain (from farm to table) and their full integration into global markets ", - the German professor stated. How to increase the efficiency of agricultural companies and agriculture in general the international expert will be able to tell in Kyiv, on September 19, during the Third International Conference on "Effective management of large agricultural companies: efficiency and productivity", organized by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" and the agency «AgriEvent».

"Geographically, the Black Sea region is mainly located in Ukraine. Thus, the country plays an important role in supply of the growing world population with food, especially with wheat and other crops. The main determinants of productivity growth of agricultural sector in Ukraine are: the increased reliability for agricultural investors (recall the unexpected export ban) and the improvement of food supply chains to reduce operating and logistic costs "- Ludwig Theuvsen said.

According to the foreign expert, at present moment, Ukraine is not among the world's agricultural giants. Top 3 countries, he said, in the next decade, will be Brazil, USA and Argentina.

"India and China are also important, but they mainly produce for domestic consumption. Ultimately, the CIS countries such as Russia and Ukraine will play an increasingly important role in world agriculture. But to reveal the full potential of these countries one will need more time than some people expect, "- underscored the expert.



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Tetiana Kotyk

The Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) was founded in 2007 to protect the economic and professional interests of players of agribusiness in Ukraine. UCAB is a unique platform in Ukraine for establishing business contacts between the leaders of agribusiness, improvement their work and dialogue with the government. UCAB actively supports Ukrainian producers in establishing and maintaining international business relations. The Association consists of the largest producers and processors of agricultural products in Ukraine. 

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