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22 July 2024



Prysyazhniuk: The state helps milk producers to find new foreign sales markets

The state is working constantly over enlargement of foreign sales markets for the national milk products. As not only production of milk grows but also opportunities for its processing. So, the national milk processing enterprises process annually around 5 million tons of milk and export over 1 million tons of dairy products.

The main exporters are Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turmenistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhniuk announced yesterday, Government Portal reports. «The national milk industry is the strategic component of Ukraines economics and has a huge social importance. So, for us it is significant not only to preserve the production of milk, but to ensure its highly-technological processing. And thus far, we have over 500 milk processing enterprises which are certified to produce milk and diary products. And year-on-year their capacities afford to process about 5 million tons of milk», - Mykola Prysyazhniuk stressed.

At this, the Minister accentuated that the milk processing industry was highly-technological. Thats why a huge attention is paid to modernization of the present enterprises and creating of new ones. For instance, the last year in Kyiv region there were open two new enterprises in production of baby food on milk basis. In particular, for their creation UAH 260 mln of national and foreign investments were drawn. Besides, Mykola Prysyazhniuk emphasized that the national milk industry had a high export potential. That’s why Ukraine works constantly on enlargement of foreign sales markets for the national dairy products.


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