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17 July 2024



The changes proposed by the Cabinet as to the technical control of machinery threaten a monopoly and corruption at the market of these services

 technical control machinery

Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "Amendments to The implementation of the mandatory technical control of tractors, self-propelled chassis, self-propelled agricultural, road-building and melioration machinery, agricultural machinery, other mechanisms", published on the website of State Agricultural Inspection, is fraught with corruption and monopoly on the market and increasing rates for the technical control of the machines. This was emphasized by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" in letters directed to the state agencies.

Draft resolution proposed that the State Agricultural Inspection would identify an entity to provide required technical control of vehicles  based on results of competition, which should be held once every three years. By experts opinion, the current procedure for inclusion business entities in the register to carry out mandatory technical control of machines is effective: the relevant entity submits State Agricultural Inspection, in particular, certificates on personnel trained to work with the unified automated electronic registration system and in proper way certified copy of the certificate of accreditation in relevant industry regarding compliance with the requirements DSTU ISO/IEC 17020-2001, issued by the National accreditation agency of Ukraine that in its activities applies harmonised with international and European standards requirements for accreditation.

"The proposal of the State Agricultural Inspection of Ukraine is unfounded and will create a favourable environment for corruption. There is a serious risk that competition will be permitted only for the "chosen" ones  who install actual monopoly on the market. In addition, the proposed changes would narrow competition and thus inflate fees for technical control of machines which even today are quite high”, - said Director General of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" Volodymyr Lapa.

Moreover, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, State agencies and their officials are obliged to act only on the basis and within the specified authority. The provisions on the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food does not define the authority of the Ministry's approval of procedure of the competition to define the entity, which is to carry mandatory technical control of vehicles, and provisions on State Agricultural Inspection does not define the authority of the inspection to the realize the competition to define such entity.

In connection with the above, UCAB offers to exclude item 31 of the draft resolution, as well as the provisions, which provides information about the chart for machines control by publishing it on the official Web-site of the State inspection and/or in local media, because it does not guarantee complete and comprehensive awareness of relevant entities.

"In general, mandatory technical control of agricultural machinery is to be canceled as one that does not solve the issue of ensuring their upkeeping in proper technical condition, because it contains more formal events, for which farmers are obliged to pay outstanding funds, resulting in hampering the development of agriculture and increasing the cost of production. This opinion is shared by Members of Parliament who have initiated the draft laws No. 2568a and No. 2609a which are under  working procedure in the Parliament and supported by the Parliamentary Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations’, -  added the Director General of UCAB.



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