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19 July 2024



Products with GMO to be marked since July 1

Products containing the GMO (genetically modified organisms) should be marked since July 1, the Cabinet's resolution of May 13, 2009, reads.
According to the resolution, the product containing over 0.1% of the GMO will be considered as the GMO containing product.
Labeling of food products not containing GMO or containing less than 0.1% can be made through putting a note "No genetically modified organisms".
Foodstuffs containing genetically modified organisms or made with using them and put into circulation in Ukraine, on which no marking is made, are subject to withdrawal from circulation.
We should remind that introduction of marking for products, made with using genetically modified raw materials, has been postponed since the end of 2007.
In November 2008, a state standard for marking the foodstuffs came into force in Ukraine. According to this standard, all foodstuffs containing GMO should be marked.

  • Baker TILLY
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