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26 July 2024



Prices of mineral fertilizers to increase by 10-15% in March-April

In March-April of 2010, prices for mineral fertilizers on the world markets will grew by 10-15%, then in two months, after the ending of the season of fertilizers introduction, the prices will reduce to the level of 2009, forecasted Alexei Kunchenko, the president of CJSC Severodonetsk association AZOT (Lugansk oblast)
According to A.Kunchenko, the market became stabilized, but Ukrainian chemistry industry still continues staying in the crisis terms.
According to him, carbamide prices started lowering. In August 2009, the prices in the port Yuzniy (Odessa oblast), the main export point of carbamide, totaled 250 USD/t, but to date, the price varies within the range of 235-240 USD/t. Nitrate and ammonia prices faced the improvement of the price situation.
As a reminder, at the end of 2008, all large-scale Ukrainian producers of mineral fertilizers started experiencing difficulties due to the fall of prices and demand in the product on the world market. The influence of the low demand, low prices of the product and the growing natural gas prices still affect the price policy.

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