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23 July 2024



President meets Spanish Foreign Minister

President Victor Yushchenko met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Spain Miguel Angel Moratinos, who has come to Ukraine with the official visit.
The President stressed that Ukraine seeks to realize the existing potential of cooperation with Spain and to maintain a frank and constructive bilateral relations, especially at the highest level.
In turn, the Minister confirmed the willingness of Spain to develop special relations with Ukraine, to intensify bilateral cooperation and provide support to European integration of Ukraine.
The President and the Foreign Minister have discussed preparation to the December EU-Ukraine Summit. The sides also exchanged views on the state and prospects of negotiations on the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. "One of the key issues on the agenda of the relations between Ukraine and the European Union is liberalization of visa regulations", said Victor Yushchenko.
Victor Yushchenko said that Ukrainian side is interested in the growth of Spanish investments into Ukraine and emphasized that supporting investment projects within the framework of Ukraine's preparation to host the finals of Euro 2012 is the priority for state authorities.
The President also appealed to the Spanish side for assistance in fighting flu pandemic in Ukraine.
President Yushchenko repeated his invitation to King Juan Carlos I of Spain to visit Ukraine. From his part Miguel Angel Moratinos conveyed greetings of the King of Spain Juan Carlos I to President Victor Yushchenko.


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