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17 July 2024



Sowing of millet is record low this year

Посіви проса цьогоріч є рекордно низьким

According to the data provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, this year Ukrainian farmers have sown only 54 thous. hectares of millet that is twice less than seeding in 2016 and 2015, by 109 and 112 thous. hectares respectively.

The main product of processed millet is wheat groats. Every year from 9-13 thous. tons of millet or 5-7% of the gross yield (190 thousand tons in 2016) are used to produce millet groats. This year the gross harvesting of millet is predicted to be at the level of about 100 thous. tons that is sufficient to cover the needs of processing.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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