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19 July 2024



Poroshenko, Hahn discussed Ukraine/EU Association Agreement implementation first results

Poroshenko, Hahn discussed Ukraine/EU Association Agreement implementation first results

As of yesterday, the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn discussed the first results of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and coordinated their efforts to speed up the ratification of the Agreement by the EU member-states, President Petro Poroshenko Press Office reports.

As to the report, the European Commissioner congratulated the Ukrainian President, Government and Parliament on the first successful results in the implementation of reforms in Ukraine and noted that the EU was ready to provide expert and financial assistance for their continuation. Reportedly, the parties discussed the prospects of providing EU’s macro-financial assistance to Ukraine. The Commissioner has informed that in 2015, the EU was planning to allocate EUR2.1 milliard in the form ofmacro-financial assistance for the acceleration of economic development of Ukraine. Also, Johannes Hahn supported the holding of the conference on reforms in Ukraine in spring and the conference on investments in autumn. As to the report, particular attention has been paid to the acceleration of signing the «Open Skies» Agreement.

«I consider your visit not only as an evidence of the European Commission’s support to the reformist efforts of the Ukrainian government, but also as a proof of solidarity of the United Europe with the people of Ukraine in the most difficult times of our history,» the President emphasized. The EU Commissioner has noted that he had also come to Ukraine to honor the memory of the fallen heroes of Maidan «who wanted to see their country strong and democratic, wanted Ukraine to have a European perspective». «In its turn, the European family has certain commitments to Ukraine,» Hahn stressed.


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