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22 July 2024



Poland. Low-quality grain to be used in energy production

The Economy Ministry has prepared an amendment to the decree on the matter of energy and heat obtained from renewable sources. The list of sources which may be treated as biomass now includes grain which does not meet quality standards and cannot be sold under the EU intervention buying scheme. Grzegorz Wisniewski from the Renewable Energy Institute (IEO) is of the opinion burning grain will not help to achieve the required CO2 emission standards. He believes using grain will be inefficient, and it will impede the use of renewable sources of energy. However deputy Economy Minister Joanna Strzelec-Lobodzinska claims the energy sector and farmers are eagerly awaiting the possibility of using low quality grain in energy production, as is often done in the US, Finland or Sweden. Power and heating plants burning biomass are under obligation to use agricultural waste.

Polish News Bulletin

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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