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27 July 2024



Peak of the crisis is past in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Economy Minister Bohdan Danylyshyn stated that, owing to a series of anti-crisis measures taken by the government, Ukraine has passed the peak of the crisis and now the main task of the authorities is to assist with the country’s economic recovery.
“The peak of the crisis phenomena is over in Ukraine. Step by step, we shall form a recovery development strategy and a strategy of Ukraine’s getting out of the phenomena related to the impact of the global financial crisis,” Bohdan Danylyshyn said in today’s briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers.
According to Bohdan Danylyshyn, the government has already prepared a development strategy for 2010, an implementation program of anti-crisis measures, and a recovery development program, which will be submitted to the next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
“Now we are focused on the radical structural transformation of our economy, reducing the influence on our economy of economic shocks, on policy that will defend us from external price conditions and on the formation of a civilized domestic market for our produce. This emphasizes once again that now we must form a new economic structure, a new structure of our economy,” stressed Bohdan Danylyshyn.
Simultaneously, the Minister called on the government’s opponents to refrain from criticizing actions of the central executive authorities. “I want to reject once again all insinuations that the government allegedly had no anti-crisis program or adequate measures for implementation of such a program,” he said, adding that anti-crisis measures were developed by the Cabinet of Ministers in the beginning of the world financial crisis.

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