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19 July 2024



Parliament adopted government's changes to State Budget 2015

Parliament adopted government's changes to State Budget 2015

The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada adopted the amendments to the State Budget 2015, those offered by the Cabinet, Government Portal reports. As to the report, the amendments were supported by 273 MPs.

Reportedly, the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk expressed his gratitude to the Parliament’s members for the very productive work regarding changes to the draft amendments to the State Budget. He noted that having considered the results of the discussion of the draft amendments to the State Budget, the Government had included a number of propositions of MPs. In particular, there was stipulated UAH300 million for the construction of housing for the participants of the anti-terrorist operation.

Besides, Yatseniuk reminded that additional UAH3 milliard had been allocated as assistance to internally displaced persons. The amount of UAH12.5 milliard is to be directed to financing of subsidies for thelow-income citizens. It is to be admitted, the Verkhovna Rada backed the amendments (bill ¹ 2147) with 273 votes, taking into account the outcomes of the profile committee and propositions aired by Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk.

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