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17 July 2024



Estimations of agrarians: the condition of winter crops is excellent

As at 23 January 2018, the sowings of winter wheat, barley and rapeseed are in good condition throughout the territory of Ukraine.

«According to agricultural producers, this year's weather situation, which was observed throughout the territory of Ukraine, is very good for the successful wintering of winter crops», said Petro Lakhay, analyst of agricultural markets of the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club».

The expert pointed out, that the high temperature regime in December and the first decade of January contributed to the development of winter crops up to phases required for overwintering.

«Despite the fact that the first half of the winter was quite warm and humid for this period of the year, agrarians do not observe a significant spread of diseases in their sowings. In addition, the snow that fell throughout the territory from 15 to 19 January and covered the soil surface, will further contribute to the successful overwintering of winter crops», - believes UCAB expert.

In turn, the Head of Agrometeorology department of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine Tetyana Adamenko adds that at present there were no negative phenomena that could damage the sowings.

«Precipitation in this period is sufficient, and there is confidence that there will not be drought conditions at the beginning of February. Absolutely normal conditions», she says.

For reference: as of December 1, 2017, 5 947 thous. hectares of winter wheat, 865 thous. hectares of winter rapeseed and 823 thous. hectares of winter barley have been sown in Ukraine.


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