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17 July 2024



Oleksandr Zhemoyda – Adoption of Procedure still does not mean a renewal of certification

sertification seeds UCAB

Adoption of Procedure still does not mean a renewal of certification. This Procedure should be applied by the state enterprise ‘State Center for Certification and Expertise of Agricultural Products’. Oleksandr Zhemoyda, Executive Director of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’, noted it in the comments at

According to him, the Procedure stipulates two other internal documents of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, and only when the Ministry elaborates and approves them, we shall say that the procedure can take place.

‘There is another regulation – pre-certification of the imported seeds. Formally it is duplication of the certificate, but we should consider how much the price will amount to. For the SE technical transfer of one certificate to another is one thing, but carrying out of laboratory studies is another. Firstly, it is time and, secondly, it is price. These two operations should not cost identically. Since it is technically a work of specialist, and conducting tests requires respectively the laboratory facilities, time and expenses’, the Executive Director of UCAB explains.

There is another problem, adds Oleksandr Zhemoyda. ‘To what extent as of today the local subdivisions of the SE are ready and have ‘in possession’ signed contracts, executed lease agreements etc. What decision did the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food take regarding certified laboratories?’, he enquires about.

According to him, ‘The law envisages that the accredited laboratories are in position conduct the appropriate certification, and currently there is only one such laboratory, others are certified. A decision on the certified laboratories has not been made yet by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

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