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12 March 2025



Number of AgriSchool participants increased by 50%

June 8-10, at the German Agricultural Center, UCAB held the fourth module of AgriSchool, devoted to technical ensuring of optimal yield. AgriSchool once again gathered in Cherkassy region representatives of leading national agricultural companies, which care about the qualifications and training of their production staff.

This time 32 listeners from eight regions of Ukraine came to hear about new agricultural techniques and technologies. This is nearly twice as much number of participants, than in the first module. In front of the audience spoke representatives of companies that are the world leaders in production and service of modern farming machinery. Theoretical course was successfully combined with practical training as well as at the German Agricultural Center and at one of the most successful agrarian companies of Cherkassy region - LLC "Dukra-Agro".

"The fact that with each module of AgriSchool, attendance and interest to this project is growing indicates the correctness of chosen approach and format of training, aimed primarily on the people working in primary agricultural production, who are due to their constant work "on field" are almost unable to leave for a long time - said executive director Alexander Verzhykhovskyi, UCAB. - And offered modular principle with duration of each thematic module for four days and with location of AgriSchool in Central region of Ukraine allow agronomists and other agricultural specialists to participate in AgriSchool without any harm to their work".

The next module of AgriSchool is scheduled for the 13-16th September, 2012 and will be devoted to the harvesting and storage. In October, participants will have an opportunity to visit farms in Eastern Europe.

AgriSchool UCAB – is the project devoted to solving problems of personnel shortage in modern agricultural production by professional development of agrarian specialists in key areas of agribusiness.

School has module system that covers topics of production, management and marketing cycles in crop production. For listeners’ convenience, “rolling system” is used, that allows studying in AgriSchool from any module.

Every module lasts for 3-4 days (Thursday - Sunday), allowing to participate in project with minimal impact on work or education. Both theoretical and practical training are done with help of modern technology and machinery.

All lecturers of AgriSchool UCAB are representatives of the best universities, agricultural producers, leading resource companies, what gives the opportunity to completely cover both theoretical and practical aspects. Constant online contacts with lecturers on full duration of the course are established for the convenience of students

Additional information by phone: +380 44 201-49-50

E-Mail: [email protected] 

UCAB Press Office

 Tetiana Kotyk

  • Baker TILLY
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