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22 July 2024



National agroindustrial complex able to ensure food security of state - Arbuzov

 The agroindustrial complex of Ukraine is able not only to ensure food security of the state, but to intensify foreign trade.

First Vice Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov told a Cabinets meeting, Arbuzovs press service informs.

He noted that such an approach primarily enables the citizens to purchase agricultural products at affordable prices. Since, besides the record-making yield of grain crops, growth of indexes in other agricultural sectors is observed.

The government reasonably expects resumption of economic growth in autumn. Consequently, the budget will receive adequate additional revenues. We expect some improvement of the situation on foreign markets. This will promote expansion of exports and formation of positive dynamics of the majority of economic activities: industry, transport and wholesale trade, Arbuzov noted.

He added that favorable weather conditions stipulated growth of crop capacity of grain crops against the previous year - Ukraine is expected to receive a record-making yield. Cattle growing volumes also continue rising with stable rates (5.2% in January-June). Since the beginning of the year, beef production rose in Ukraine (by 1.4%), pork (by 7.1%) and poultry (by 14.2%). The fact that Ukrainian poultry producers get possibility to export their goods to the European Union countries promotes expansion of the export geography. This year, Ukraine has all chances to enter the worlds 10 top leaders on poultry exports, the First Vice Prime Minister prognosticates.

Arbuzov is also convinced that realization of the State Program for intensification of economic development for 2013-2014 will have a positive influence on the economic dynamics. Its fulfillment will create conditions for stimulation of development of the domestic market and domestic production.

The government understands that today growth of Ukraines economic potential Ukraine is limited by external factors, therefore, development of domestic production will be a priority in future activities.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • Amazone
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  • Eridon
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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