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18 July 2024



Moldova: Giurgiulesti sea port to compete with ports of Rumania and Ukraine

Giurgiulesti port complex (Moldova) will form the essential competition for the analogue ports in Galati (Rumania) and Reni (Ukraine), declared Thomas Mozer, the first vice-president of Dutch company "Easeur Holding". According to him, Moldavian authorities created favorable terms for passing customs procedures, which are more short-term and effective compared to Rumanian and Ukrainian procedures, added T.Mozer.

Also, the port is a private property as opposed to the ports of the neighboring countries, noticed T.Mozer.

To date, the port includes the oil-loading terminal (launched in 2006), and passenger port (from March 17, 2009). In the nearest future, a new freight terminal will be opened. In April 2009, the company Danube Logistics, entering the holding Easeur Holding BV, will launch a new grain terminal. The capacity of granaries will total 45 thsd tons.

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