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28 July 2024



Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine initiates selling of ammonia nitrate of the Agrarian Fund on the exchange market

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine initiates selling of ammonia nitrate, purchased by the Agrarian Fund of Ukraine, on the exchange market, according to the informed source on the market. To date, the Ministry prepares the decree for realization of the mechanism.

To date, the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, the Agrarian Fund, the Union of Chemists of Ukraine and leading producers of mineral fertilizers negotiate concerning confirmation of the maximum levels of prices for mineral fertilizers, which will be sold to agrarians for spring field works in 2010.

According to the source, the maximum level of prices for carbamide is offered to reach the level of 2600 UAH/t, ammonia nitrate – 2200 UAH/t, ammonium phosphate fertilizer – 3900 UAH/t, NPK-fertilizer – 3300 UAH/t.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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