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21 July 2024



Ukraine to set up working group on association with EU in field of agriculture

The Agrarian Policy Ministry will set up a working group on the Association with the EU in field of agriculture, minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk said, ForUm correspondent reports.

 The public council under the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry has given Prysiazhniuk a resolution on priority of the Ukraine’s European integration course in reforming of the agricultural sector, development of a long-term strategy of export of agricultural products and the development of proposals for EU financial assistance to Ukraine, increasing investment to accelerate the agricultural sector reform. «I am ready to put my name down for every word of this resolution,» he said. The minister said that the program among Ukraine, the EU, the IMF and the World Bank on «a more detailed approach to the Association Agreement, which may be signed in March,» will be prepared by December 2. «Ukraine will demand that the EU does not cancel agricultural benefits, provide financial assistance to businesses that lose the right to make products protected by geographical origin, as well as assist in the development and adaption of Ukrainian legislation to European standards,» he concluded.


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