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22 July 2024



Meat production up in Ukraine

 More than 1.3 million tons of meat was produced in Ukraine over five months, which is 8.5% up against the same period of the previous year. This growth was promoted by the subsidy established this year for cattle grown and cattle for slaughter.

Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said about this, the ministrys press service told Ukrinform.

“The state continues to support the cattle sector, including the meat sector. In particular, it concerns households, when more than half of cattle products are made. And this systemic support continues bringing good results. Over five months of the current year over 1.3 million tons of meat was produced in Ukraine, which is 8.5% up against the same period last year. Production grows both at household economies and at enterprises,” the government official noted.

He informed that over five months, the government sent UAH 8.6 million for support of cattle breeding economies.
Prysiazhniuk also noted that large-scale investment projects in the cattle branch continue to be realized in Ukraine.

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