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16 July 2024



Michael Wolf: “Developing profitable, effective and promising concepts from individual tasks is the challenge of our time”

Franz Ruberg & Co GmbH, an international company for the construction of mills, plants and silos, recently joined the association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club. In a personal interview, the managing director of Franz Ruberg & Co GmbH, Michael Wolf, spoke about the competitive advantages of the products and services offered by the company, and also emphasized the importance of using modern technologies in agricultural equipment.

Please tell me about the history of development and activities of the company Franz Ruberg & Co GmbH in the Ukrainian and world`s markets

Our company has existed for more than 175 years in Germany. Our key competences are the design, planning and manufacturing of technologies for grain processing. Grain, cleaning and silo plants are planned and built worldwide with the latest conveyor technology and according to the most modern aspects. Furthermore, grain storage halls, ship and rail terminals are built. But we also offer individual, innovative and creative solutions in many other areas, such as biomass power plants or plants for wood recycling and the processing of residual wood.

What products are popular among Ukrainian consumers?

Products with high quality, long life and high performance. Short downtimes are the key words that our customers want.

In addition, farmers should pay attention to post-harvest losses, which are very high worldwide. This is a major problem in Germany as well as in Ukraine. Harvest performance and the demands on processing performance are becoming ever greater. This is where farms have to react. The hygienic requirements are also becoming increasingly stringent. From receiving to cleaning and and removal from storage, loading onto ships and trains with high performance.

What is the competitive advantage of Franz Ruberg & Co GmbH products and services?

We plan, build and supply plant technology and machine equipment for a wide range of industries. We also take care of the complete assembly and maintenance work.

Conveying, storage and processing - Franz Ruberg & Co. GmbH has the comprehensive range of services, from individual components to complete plants. We design high-performance plants with economical, efficient and long-lasting technology, which are naturally oriented towards the wishes and demands of our customers and the requirements of the future. In addition, we have a very high vertical range of manufacture and are therefore less dependent on subcontractors. We are always in dialogue with our customers and try to implement the wishes and suggestions of our customers with regard to our products, so we manufacture robust and reliable plant technology according to customers requirements.

How are the modern technologies used by Franz Ruberg & Co GmbH improving the planning and construction processes?

Developing profitable, effective and promising concepts from individual tasks is the challenge of our time. Our 3D-CAD systems open up all possibilities to further improve the process flows and to drastically reduce the time spent.

Automation in a wide variety of production processes ensures rational and high-quality production. The smooth interaction of planning, production, sales, finance and materials management makes our products competitive and also particularly interesting for our customers financially. Individual test arrangements on customer's request in our factory serve likewise for the improvement of our technology.

How, according to your observations, has the demand for silos and plant construction changed in 2022? What are the prospects in 2023?

We are currently preparing a market study to answer this question. Available getrid storage capacity in Ukraine. General facilities for storage of grain and oil crops.Classification of certified silos in Ukraine by simultaneous storage capacity, affiliation to farms, crops, type of transportation, etc; loss of elevators during the war.

What are your expectations from membership and cooperation with the association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club"?

A few months ago, we decided to take a closer look at how the market around grain storage and handling facilities in Ukraine is developing and what the consumer sentiment is. Currently, we are targeting this market and taking important steps for market entry. We believe that UACB can be a partner for us in this process. The platforms and information provided to us are certainly of great advantage.

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