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17 July 2024



Kazakhstan will be able to transport goods to the external markets through Omani ports to the Indian Ocean coast

According to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev, Kazakhstan and Oman can increase the mutual trade volumes using the future transport routes through the territory of Iran.

At that, there is possibility to transport Kazakh goods to the external markets through the Omani ports ashore of the Indian Ocean.

According to N. Nazarbaev, in this connection, the railway route under construction by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran is considered to be prospective. As he noted, this project is profitable to all the participants as the possibility of the optimal organization of the cargo transportation in Persian Gulf direction and back. During the first years, more than 3 mln tonnes of cargoes would be transported. Subsequently, this volume could total over 10 mln tonnes.

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