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17 July 2024



Israel is a promising market for the Ukrainian sweets

Israel import export

Over the past 5 years, trade of Ukraine with Israel has declined. Thus, export to Israel reduced by 43% or USD 217.4 million. In 2016 the total value of supplies of agricultural products to Israel amounted to USD 292.8 million while in 2012 the supplies volume was USD 510.2 million. Import of agricultural products from specified country decreased comparing 2012 by 60% as well. Despite the negative tendency, trade balance remains positive - export exceeds import by USD 284.5 million (as of 2016).

Ukraine mainly supplies to Israel raw materials, i.e. grain crops and legumes. In this context, more than half of the agricultural export is occupied by wheat (26.7% of agricultural export to Israel) and by corn (26.4%) as well as 13% of supplies is occupied by sunflower meal and 7.2% - by soybeans.

Israeli consumers are willing to buy Ukrainian sweet stuff. Israel is one of the key partners of Ukraine for supply of ice cream. Over the past 5 years, Ukraine increased supplies of ice cream to Israel by 1.8 times. Last year 23.3% of the total export of ice cream amounting to USD 2 million was delivered exactly to this country. Along with the ice cream the Ukrainian dairy products, mainly condensed milk, are staring to be in demand. Since 2012 Ukraine has increased export of condensed milk and cream to this country by 5.1 times constituting USD 1.4 million last year. In 2016 export of natural honey has started as well amounting to USD 775.7 thousand.

Last week an official visit of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Volodymyr Hroisman, to Israel took place where issues concerning renewal of export of the Ukrainian table eggs to the Israeli market as well as completion of the official opening of beef market for the Ukrainian producers were raised. It would be appropriate to remind that in late 2016 due to detection of outbreaks of the avian influenza in Ukraine, Israel has suspended export of the Ukrainian eggs and now the issue about its renewal is being actively addressed.

Ukrainian and Israeli parties during the official visit discussed boosting of negotiations on the FTA conclusion between two countries. Israel, like Ukraine, is interested in the creation of FTA and, therefore, there is a high probability that the agreement will be concluded by the end of this year. The agreement may become an important impulse for increasing commodity flows from Ukraine to Israel of not only raw materials but also products with added value such as dairy and meat.

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