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26 July 2024



Ireland expects food exports to grow

Irelands's trade development agency, Bord Bia says the countrys multi-billion euro food and drinks industry is on course for a "return to growth" in 2010.

The positive forecast came as Board Bia revealed a 12 percent drop in last year's food and drink exports, which came in at €7.1billion. The UK is the main export destination for Irish food and drink and drop in Irish exports was heavily influenced by the collapse in the sterling.
Dairy and beef together account for 60 percent of Irish food and drink exports. Board Bia predicts that beef supply around Europe being tighter in 2010, with consumption staying relatively stable, so that will have a positive impact on prices. This contrasts with the almost 10 percent drop in the value of meat and livestock exports.
While Bord Bia believes the smaller sectors of prepared food and beverages are "still in the line of fire" for 2010, the better performances in Dairy and Beef will be enough to bring the overall industry into positive territory.

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