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31 July 2024



In the current season, Ukraine exported 21.7 mln tonnes of grains.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, in 2010, Ukraine will harvest nearly 48 mln tonnes of grains as opposed to 46 mln tonnes in 2009, declared Sergey Melnik, the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, during the international conference "Grain Forum & Grain Industry – 2010".

According to him, to date, Ukraine exported 21.7 mln tonnes of grains. The Deputy Minister also forecasted the general grain export volumes from the country till the end of the current MY at the level of over 22.5 mln tonnes. S.Melnik marked that during several recent years, grain export volumes from Ukraine did not lower below the index of 20 mln tonnes.

According to the forecast, in the current season, the inner carry-over stocks of grains will total nearly 6 mln tonnes.

S.Melnik also declared that to date, the Ministry deals with estimation of the future purchasing intervention prices. In the current moment, the Agrarian Fund plans to purchase 3-grade wheat at the minimum price of 1100 UAH/t, feed wheat – 900 UAH/t. The minimum prices are fixed almost at the level of prime costs of the grain varieties production.

The First Deputy Minister also informed that in the current year Ukraine plans to increase soybean sowing areas to the level of 872 thsd ha. The general production is forecasted at the level of 1.5 mln tonnes.


  • Baker TILLY
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