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18 July 2024



In April, Ukraine continued record breaking in grain exports

In April 2009, grain exports from Ukraine totaled 2.2 mln tons, including over 1.2 mln tons of wheat, nearly 750 thsd tons of maize, declared the media department of Ukrainian agrarian confederation.

Thus, the export volumes of Ukrainian grains of the harvest-2008 have already exceeded the level of 21 mln tons, including 10.8 mln tons of wheat, 5.8 mln tons of barley, 4.2 mln tons of maize, according Sergey Stoyanov, to the general director of Ukrainian agrarian confederation.

The general index of total grains and oilseeds exports from Ukraine totals nearly 25 mln tons, including 2.6 mln tons of rapeseed and 650 thsd tons of sunflower, added he.

  • Baker TILLY
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