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26 July 2024



In 2011 Russia may export 22 mln tonnes of grains

In the current year Russia can supply 20-22 mln tonnes of grains on foreign markets, declared Ilya Shestakov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, on September 22.

He confirmed the previous forecasts of grain production - at the level of 90 mln tonnes in clean weight. But taking into account carry-over stocks of grains (as of July 1, the stocks totaled 22.4 mln tonnes), the domestic consumption varying from 70 to 71 mln tonnes, the Ministry believes that the forecast for grain exports will total 20-22 mln tonnes, said I.Shestakov.

In early September, Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture, said that the forecast of grain exports in the current year totaled 20 mln tonnes.


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