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29 July 2024



Ilichivsk reports a 15.4% throughput growth, 3m tons in January-February

In January-February this year freight traffic volumes via state-run Illichivsk Sea Commercial Port (SCPI, Odessa region, Ukraine) reached 3.06 million tons, as much as 15.4% over the same period in 2009. Transshipment of general cargo increased by 5%, bulk cargo volumes rose 15%, while handling of liquid bulk cargo jumped as much as 78%, the Port Authority statement said.
February volumes of gas and pig iron heavily added to this year’s overall growth, over 280% and 218.2% respectively from the same period a year earlier. The port boosted handling of meal up to144.4%, edible oil (+76.8 %), sulfur (+52.5%), oil (+36.4%), ore (+19.4%). However, the port terminals showed a 69.3 percent dip in metal volumes.
Container volume grew by 67.6% in tons, and amounted to 23.786 TEUs (+27,4%).
State-run Sea Commercial Port of Illichivsk is one the four top largest Ukrainian ports. The port’s handling facilities allow transshipping over 30 million tons of cargo a year. The inbound and outbound cargoes are handled at 29 berths basted on a 6-km mooring line. Illichevsk Port’s portfolio of assets includes rail and road network for transportation cargoes to the port’s loading, off-loading facilities. In 2009 the company’s throughput was at 16.286 million tons, or a 13.8 percent decline year-over-year.


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