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26 July 2024



Harvests continue for some U.S. corn growers

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) announced on Dec. 23 that some areas of the Northern Corn Belt are still well behind the five-year harvest progress average at this time.
The NCGA said that a final U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Crop Progress report for the 2009 growing season indicated that 95% of the corn harvest is complete nationally. During the week ending Dec. 18, the national corn harvest moved only three percentage points closer to completion, a 3.2% increase from the previous week. Nationwide, the corn harvest is now roughly 95% complete. This lags behind the five-year average of 100% at this time in December, according to the association.
"This is the most challenging harvest I can remember," said Darrin Ihnen, NCGA president and farmer in Hurley, South Dakota, U.S. "Fortunately, yields are high. Unfortunately, so is moisture. Harvest may be slow, but through hard work the U.S. grower always gets the crop in. This year though, it may take until spring."
Currently only Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas reported a completed harvest in state. North Dakota showed the most progress as harvests progressed to 68% from 60% complete, the association said.
"In North Dakota, we have been blessed with decent harvest weather over the past week and farmers have taken advantage of it running their combines long hours," said Bart Schott of Kulm, NCGA corn first vice-president. "Moisture levels of more than 30% are still common in the northern part of the state and many farmers, including myself, will be harvesting corn next spring."
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