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22 July 2024



Harvest in Ukraine entering its peak

 Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhnyuk is making today a working trip to Kharkiv to get familiar with the course of harvest in the region, NRCU reports.

According to him, more than 16 million tons of early grain have been already harvested. This is more than half of the planned harvest of early grain as they planned to raise more than 30 million tons. Yield compared to the previous year, increased by almost 8 quintals per hectare and it will increase further because the harvest actively involved central and northern regions with higher yields.

However, low purchase prices for wheat and barley of new crop and predictably low prices for corn jeopardize future sowing campaign, says CEO of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Volodymyr Lapa. And this is what next year’s crop depends on, he said.


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