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22 July 2024



Greenhouse industry has become one of most promissing fields in agriculture - expert

 On February 27, 2013 within the framework of the business program of the International Exhibition "Greenhouses 2013" the II. Dutch-Ukrainian Greenhouse Industry Forum "Greenhouse production in Ukraine: Financial instruments and implementation of innovative energy-saving technologies" was held, organized by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club", the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine and “AgriEvent” agency, supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.

The Netherlands are the world’s leader in the greenhouse industry. This country is known by the advanced greenhouse technologies and is a birthplace of well-known brands in this sector.
During the event, over 150 representatives of Ukrainian agricultural companies and farmers together with foreign experts discussed ways to increase energy efficiency, reduce production costs and find sources of funding. Under the conditions of the ever-increasing energy costs, these topics appear to very relevant to modern greenhouse industry in Ukraine.
"Sustainable production, food safety, consumption of local products - these trends encourage the growth of interest in the production of fruit and vegetables in greenhouses. More and more countries are looking for innovative and sustainable solutions in such areas as food production, saving use of energy and water. These solutions are becoming more valuable on the background of increasing world population, especially in urban areas. In Ukraine, the greenhouse industry has become one of the most promising sectors of agriculture," - the Agricultural Counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine Evert Jan Krajenbrink says.
"Despite the significant investment volumes, which greenhouse business requires, and the high cost of energy, I hope that in future the trends to an increase of the areas under greenhouses, that we can observe in the last five years (at average 5% annually), will be preserved, because consumers want to have fresh fruit and vegetables on their tables all the year round, "- says the Executive Director of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" Oleksandr Verzhykhovskyi.

In turn, the President of the Association "Greenhouses of Ukraine” Evgeniy Chernyshenko emphasized that today the industrial greenhouses area in Ukraine amounts to 300 ha of vegetables under glass.
"The crucial factor for greenhouses survival is the taking of measures, aimed at the reduction of energy costs per 1 kg and the construction of new complexes with the use of energy-saving technologies that allow to spend 250-300 m3 of gas per 1 hectare annually." - he says.
The expert believes that one also needs to search and apply alternative energy technologies, such as biogas, coal, wood and solar energy.
Forum participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with modern energy saving technologies, such as: CHP, use of external heat sources, solar heat, geothermal, biofuels, LED lamps, air treatment in greenhouses, semi-closed greenhouses.
Evert Jan Krajenbrink outlined the following directions of further Ukrainian-Dutch cooperation: exports of technologies, knowledge, Dutch investments in production facilities.
"Dutch vegetable producers are looking for cooperation opportunities with various partners around the globe because the demand for fresh vegetables, grown in close proximity to markets, increases. We can observe this very trend in Ukraine", - the Dutch expert says.
Event organizers express their gratitude to partners: Association "Greenhouses of Ukraine" and “S-TEAM” exhibition company.

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