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22 July 2024



Grain export from Ukraine 14.3% up since 2012/2013 MY - Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry

 Grain export from Ukraine since the beginning of 2012/2013 marketing year as of May 7, 2013, made up 21 million tons, which is 14.3% up against the same period of the previous year.

“In particular, in the current season, Ukraine supplied to external markets 12 million tons of corn, 6.56 million tons of wheat (including 5.66 million tons of milling wheat), over 2 million tons of barley,” the publication informs.
In April this year, grain export reached almost 1.5 million tons, including 246,600 tons of wheat and 1.23 million tons of corn.
To remind, at the beginning of the season, the ministry and participants in the grain market came to an agreement about maximum possible volumes of grain export in the current marketing year. Actually, exporters undertook not to export more grain volumes than stipulated. For wheat this index was several times revised. Until recently, it was 6.6 million tons. It was expected that following the maximum possible volumes of export are reached, the state is entitled to introduce restrictions for grain exports. However, in April, the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry came to an agreement with grain traders on the limit- free export of wheat from Ukraine until the marketing year end.
The Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine expects that grain export from Ukraine by results of 2012/2013 marketing year will exceed 24 million tons against 22 million tons in the previous season.

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