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30 July 2024



Government about to raise quotas for raw sugar imports

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy currently develops new ways of eliminating sugar deficit in Ukraine, which is valued at 450,000 tons by the end of the marketing year (September 1).

Thus, the ministry intends to initiate higher quotas for raw sugar imports from WTO member states by 100,000 tons, according to Kommersant-Ukraine. According to Agrarian Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk, it is planned to import by summer additionally 100,000-150,000 tons (in addition to 260,000 tons on WTO quota) from WTO member countries with a preferential rate of duty. There is also an option to import 150,000 tons of sugar from Belarus by the scheme, according to which, sugar in Belarus will be purchased by the State Committee of Ukraine for State Material Reserve, which will import it with the postponement of the VAT and import duties.


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