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25 July 2024



Foreign trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Ukraine decreased by 20 %

Foreign trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Ukraine for nine months of this year has decreased by 20 %. The Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ukraine and Moldova, Amangeldy Zhumabaev, informed in an interview to the Ukrainian edition Economic News ("i"), Kazakhstan Today agency reports.
"Our countries have equally experienced the influence of the global financial and economic crisis," A. Zhumabaev said.
"From the beginning of this year, dynamics of bilateral goods turnover has been decreasing. In 2008, foreign trade turnover has almost reached $5 billion; therefore, Kazakhstan has been the fifth - the sixth main trading partners of Ukraine. During nine months of 2009, the level of foreign trade turnover has decreased by 20 % and has amounted to $3 billion (export - $1.9 billion, import - $1.1 billion)," the ambassador said.
Kazakhstan Today

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