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20 July 2024



Foreign Ministry wants to ratify association deal with EU in July

Foreign Ministry wants to ratify association deal with EU in July

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry wants to ratify the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in July 2014. First Deputy Foreign Minister Natalia Halibarenko said this at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday, when asked by a Ukrinform reporter when the document could be ratified.

"We would like to ratify [the Association Agreement] in July. Unless a session of the Verkhovna Rada is closed, we have a chance, in principle, to submit [the agreement] for ratification," she said.

Halibarenko also said that Ukraine should not delay the ratification of the agreement, because the effect of a unilateral preferential regime between Ukraine and the EU expires on November 1.

"If we fail to ratify the agreement on time, there will be a gap between the regime that will cease to be in effect on November 1 and the free trade agreement that will not come into force. So we will put our market and our exporters in a bad situation, because the regime they use will suddenly stop working for a while," she said.

In this regard, she expressed hope that the Ukrainian parliament "will hear the government's position and will not delay ratification."




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