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12 March 2025



Football fans from abroad know nothing about Ukrainian salo


The national dish of Ukraine, which was selected by vote at the All-Ukrainian competition "Taste, Ukraine!" was an absolute discovery for foreign football fans. 56% of visitors from abroad have no idea what Ukrainian salo is. These are results of survey conducted by the organizers of the competition "Taste, Ukraine!" and the agency “AgriSurvey”.

From ancient times Ukrainian salo had unofficial status of the national dish in Ukraine and was an inherent part of the festive table in every family, especially in rural areas. Recently Ukrainians officially recognized salo as their national dish by voting in the All-Ukrainian competition "Taste, Ukraine!", organized by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club".

The main purpose of the contest was promotion of Ukrainian cuisine among Ukrainians and foreign guests, especially during the finals of European Football Championship 2012 in Ukraine. Therefore, the organizers of the competition together with the agency «AgriSurvey» conducted a survey of foreign fans who came to Ukraine, about their knowledge of traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

According to the results, more than half of foreigners knew nothing about the ancient Ukrainian delicacy - salo. 56% of respondents replied “What is this?” to question "Have you heard something about salo?”. Even smaller number of football fans from abroad had tasted it (only 27% of respondents).

As for domestic cooking in general, to the question "Do you like the Ukrainian kitchen?" positively answered 64% of respondents, another 17% said "so-so", did not taste - 12% and did not like it - 7%. The most favored gastronomical delight for football fans was borsch (39%). Other five favored Ukrainian dishes are dumplings (20%), chicken Kiev (9%), stuffed cabbage rolls and potato pancakes (both 4%). Sometimes the respondents mentioned even such exotic Ukrainian dishes as blood sausage and horseradish with beet.


Earlier, the agency «AgriSurvey» reported that a one third of Euro 2012 guests spend 300 UAH every day for food and another 40% spend daily 150-300 UAH.


Additional information by phone: +380 44 201-49-50

E-Mail: [email protected]

UCAB Press Office

Tetiana Kotyk


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