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17 July 2024



First time poultry meat exports beat imports

 According to the State Statistics Service, in September poultry meat imports declined compared with the previous month and was at the level of 8.8 thousand t, while exports rose to 9.3 thousand t. This opportunity appeared due to the reduction of imports of all kinds of meat in September and poultry in particular.
"By year-end the companies will export about 65 thousand tons of poultry meat, while imports will exceed 110 thousand tons, this year the tendency of imports domination will remain " - says Elizabeth Svyatkivska - the advisor on meat markets of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club".
According to Ms. Svyatkivska, the growth in exports was possible by increase of supplies to CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia), which accounted for over 80% of supply. Ukrainian exporters also actively explore the markets of Vietnam, Georgia, Liberia and other countries.
"This year in August, the export permission to the countries of the Customs Union were given to “Myronivska poultry factory”, in September – to "Agromars", "Dniprovsky poultry breeding complex", "Tavr plus", and the right to export its products was given to "Snyatynska Nova" poultry farms," - said UCAB expert.
The ability to increase exports will promote stable prices for poultry, despite the low purchasing power of the domestic market and further increase of production. During 2012 the price of poultry almost was not reconsidered and made up 19,3-19,6 UAH/kg (chicken carcass).

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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