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21 July 2024



FAO: World wastes more than one billion tonnes of food annually

 Food waste is costing the world $750 billion each year, UN Radio says referring to the report released on Wednesday by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The study finds that the 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted annually — which represents one-third of food produced globally — is also harming natural resources.

José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General, says: «The implication of this massive food wastage for food security and for sustainability is huge. If we reduce loss and waste we have more food available without the need to produce more and putting less pressure on our natural resources.» The UN agency says with 870 million people going hungry every day, governments, farmers, the food industry and consumers must reduce and prevent food wastage. A companion «tool-kit» to the report contains recommendations for all stages of the food chain, including improvements in harvesting techniques, transportation and consumption habits.


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