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21 July 2024



Experts believe farmers raise vegetable prices to compensate for lost yield

  Bad weather conditions are the main reason of a sharp growth of prices for the borshch set. Farmers artificially raise prices for vegetables in order to compensate for the loss of the yield due to continuous September rains.

Director of the analytical department of Pro-Consulting Company Oleksandr Sokolov has expressed such an opinion in comments to Ukrinform.
In October, a price for the borshch set will grow by 15-20% due to the farmers wish to compensate 10% of the lost yield at the minimum, Sokolov said.
The weather forecast promises rains and possible frost at the beginning of October, and this does not add optimism to the farmers. However, the price growth, besides objective reasons, is also related to a wish to receive additional profits. Sellers artificially raise and prices which are not low, the analyst believes.
According to Sokolov, predicting of prices for a more continuous period is difficult, since imported and hot house vegetables will influence the prices.
For example, we will cite average prices for domestic vegetables from the “borshch set” at the beginning of October on the wholesale market Stolychny: red beet - UAH 2.5/kg; white cabbage - UAH 2.0/kg; potatoes - UAH 4/kg; carrots - UAH 2.5-4/kg; common onion - 4-9/kg.
To remind, earlier, Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said that vegetables will be plenty this year and called on Ukrainians to buy them on the wholesale markets of agricultural products, where prices are lower.

  • Baker TILLY
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