Eurointegration of the Ukrainian agro-sector under war conditions: achievements and prospects

Ukraine continues its path of European integration despite the war and has made significant progress. In the agriculture and fisheries sector, the implementation of the overall strategic objectives has increased from 63% in 2022 to 74%, while in the field of food safety, veterinary, and phytosanitary policy, progress has risen from 72% to 83%.
During this period, Ukraine has opened the land market, established a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund for farmers, and adopted several important legislative acts, including those on geographical indications, plant variety protection, and seed production. Ukrainian agricultural producers and agribusinesses are actively implementing European standards for seed certification, animal identification, and meat labeling.
Additionally, both the state and businesses are working to align legislation in food safety, veterinary, and phytosanitary policy with EU standards. Laws have been adopted on veterinary medicine, materials in contact with food, pesticide circulation, and labeling. European standards for milk quality control, frozen products, and food safety have also been introduced.
However, further European integration of Ukraine’s agricultural sector requires significant improvements to the regulatory and legal framework and, more importantly, the implementation of these initiatives by all market players. A key step in this process will be the implementation of the Agricultural Development Strategy until 2030, aimed at ensuring the sector's sustainable development.
Ukrainian agribusinesses will also face the following key developments:
- Utilizing the State Agrarian Register for all support programs;
- Launching the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN);
- Harmonization of legislation on plant health, GMOs, and their official control;
- Completion of the adaptation of animal welfare standards in line with EU requirements;
- Expanding the use of the TRACES platform for veterinary and phytosanitary certification;
- Reforming the food safety control authorities;
- Implementation of European standards for animal registration and monitoring.
The further adoption of European standards will ensure higher product quality, open new export opportunities, attract foreign investment, and contribute to Ukraine’s economic recovery and development.
This infographic was prepared with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation as part of the joint initiative "European Renaissance of Ukraine." The material represents the authors' position and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or the International Renaissance Foundation.