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23 July 2024



EU Pig Prices: Inconsistency Throughout Europe

This week, inconsistent trends are prevailing on the European slaughter pig market.
While the prices remain on an unchanged level in six countries (with Germany and the Netherlands among them) the Danish price went down and the Belgian quotation went up.
The Dutch quotation once again followed Germany’s, with an unchanged pigs-mature-for-slaughter price also being reported on. Quantities of pigs for slaughter are still decreasing in Germany, thus relieving the market. Compared to last week, the prices in Spain, France, Austria and Sweden remained unchanged. Yet, Sweden’s corrected quotation fell a little as a result of changes in currency exchange rates.
Trend: It is true that no increase of slaughter pig prices could be enforced last Friday in Germany. Yet, the slaughter companies are still in search of pigs for slaughter in order to have their slaughter capacities better utilised. The quantities of pigs mature for slaughter decreasing, the farmers hope for payout prices to go up until the end of this week.

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