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21 July 2024



EU wants to help Ukrainian economy - Ashton

EU help Ukrainian economy Catherine Ashton

The European Union is committed to cooperating with the Ukrainian authorities to resolve economic problems. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said this ahead of a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels on Monday.

"I feel that we can work with him [Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych] to resolve those [short-term economic issues]. Some of them can be done through the support of the European Union, others through financial institutions, and some others through the private sector. But all of them are possible," Ashton said.

She said that the purpose of two of her meetings with Yanukovych in Kyiv last week was to clarify the economic issues that the state could face in the short term and to identify ways to resolve them.

Ashton again said that an association and free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine would bring only positive results for the state.

"In trade terms it will have a positive impact on their economy. In terms of stability and looking forward it will give them a chance to develop their investment in areas like agriculture and, of course, energy," she said.





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