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17 July 2024



Exports of apples recovered to pre-crisis period

apples export UCAB

Supplies of stone demonstrate gradual recovery of trade volumes to pre-crisis period. Last year export of apples, pears and quince increased by 2.8 times

In 2016 a clear trend of resumption of the Ukrainian apples supplies to the foreign markets. Deliveries from Ukraine to the EU countries increased by 347 times amounting to 1,125 tons in 2016 compared to 2013. Within 2013-2016 realization of apples to the Asian countries increased by 55 times amounting to 1,211 tones. However, the largest share of sales overseas accounts for Belarus where Ukraine increased supplies by 63 times to 9,396 tons within 2014-2016. Thus, Belarus is re-exporter of the Ukrainian apples to Russia. For comparison, volume of apples export in 2013 amounted to 10.8 thousand tons, in 2016 - 13.8 thousand tons.

Almost all export of stone falls to apple - 95%, other stone (pear, quince) occupies a small share of export of this fruit group. Deliveries overseas constitute only 4% of the gross harvest of these fruits. Stone is basically supplied to the domestic market. Last year Ukraine has sold 213 thousand tons of these fruits.

In 2016 Ukrainian producers sold apples at the most expensive price of 0.44. USD/kg on average to the Asian countries, to the EU in 2016 - at 0.22. USD/kg. Ukrainian exporters supplied products at the cheapest price of 0.17. USD per kg to Belarus. The average price of apples at the domestic market of Ukraine in 2016 amounted to 0.18 USD per kg.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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