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18 July 2024



Ukraine’s ice-cream export has increased by 16%

State Fiscal Service of Ukraine has reported 16% increase of ice-cream and other ice for food products during first five months of 2016 comparing to the same time period in 2015. Trade volume abroad has accounted in 1.8k tons, adding 0.3k tons comparing to the previous period in 2015. Foreign customers have paid 3.6 M USD in Jan-May of 2016 and this is 360k USD extra compering to the same of 2015.

Russia, Israel and Moldova are major importing partners of Ukraine’s ice producers remaining the same positions in 2016 as it was previous year. Countries have 37.3%, 27.7% and 23.2% shares of in export respectively.

Moldova’s government has implemented bans on Ukraine’s dairy products import according to press release in the beginning of May. Import quota for iced products was implemented in volume of 750 tons per annum. Imported over the non-custom tariff quota volume is a subject of 15% custom. During May of 2016 Ukraine’s exporters have sold to Moldova some 190 tons of ice-cream (25.3% of non-custom quota).

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