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18 July 2024



Milk and condensed cream export has declined

Milk and condensed cream export has declined

According to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine data, volume of milk and cream condensed, including dry milk export has descended by 27%. Trade volume of these products to external markets has accounted in 13.1 M USD (4.8M less comparing to the same in 2015) in 4 months of 2016. In money terms, export of milk and cream condensed has declined by 11.7 M USD and reached 18.1 M USD.

Along with, milk and cream export has increased by 13% comparing to the same period in 2015 and reached 3.5 k tons and in money terms reached 1.8 M USD (+281k USD). Major countries of demand are Libya (10%), Georgia (32%) and Moldova (47%).

For note, government of Moldova plans to introduce new quotas on Ukrainian dairy products. At present Moldova holds strategic position not only in Ukrainian milk and cream condensed, but also has demand share on some 59% for all soured milk and 35% of cheese exported from Ukraine. Quotas’ introducing for Ukraine dairy products will have negative influence on Ukrainian producers and milk industry in general.

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