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17 July 2024



Education minister says Ukraine's WTO accession will make natural sciences more popular

     Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization will make the natural sciences more popular, Education and Science Minister Ivan Vakarchuk has said.

     "There is no doubt that the prestige of the natural sciences will grow, because natural sciences may improve the quality of life, and this has already been observed," he said at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency in Kyiv on Thursday.

     He also expressed doubt that WTO accession might damage the branches of education that are responsible for training agrarian specialists.

     "Education will always be in demand for teaching, [medicine] for treatment," Vakarchuk said.

      He also denied that there would be great changes in the list of professions endorsed by the ministry, as this document is regularly updated every several years, taking into account remarks offered by higher educational establishments and employers.

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