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20 July 2024



Economy Ministry expecting inflation of 12.4 percent in 2010

The Economy Ministry expects that the inflation in 2010 will make up 12.4%, the ministry said.
"The expected results [of the price stabilization]: led to the level of consumer prices in 2010 to 12.4%, to 5.5-5.2% in 2013 (December to December)," the report said.
The Economy Ministry also expects that the merchandise deficit will be about 5% of the GDP in 2009-2012 and about 0% by 2015.
Earlier, the ministry announced an outlook envisioning the average annual growth of GDP of 0.2-1.9% in 2009-2012.
At the same time, 0.2% is a pessimistic outlook and 1.9% is an optimistic one.
In 2013-2020, the Economy Ministry expects the average annual GDP growth of 4.5-6.5%.
In June 2009, the Economy Ministry announced the strategy of Ukraine's development until 2020.
In compliance with the outlooks envisioned in the strategy (December to December), in 2009-2012, the inflation will make up 10.8-11.2% and 4.0-6.0% in 2013-2020.
Kyiv Post

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