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22 July 2024



Crimean farmers assess prospects of safflower growing

 The Crimean Montanay farm one of the first has started to master the growing of safflower, the companys director Willie Martinson told Ukrinform.

Safflower is ideal for the Crimean lands. It does not require watering, but only the sunniest weather. On qualitative indicators safflower oil is better than olive and sunflower oil, Martinson said.

In 2012, Martinsons company tried to plant safflower at an area of 40 hectares, the result was amazing. The entire crop went for export to Europe.

The farmer said that this year he provided 700 hectares for safflower sowing.

Safflower or American saffron is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. Safflower seeds contain 60% of fatty oil. It is used both in food and chemical industry, cosmetology.


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