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18 July 2024



What are the consequences of the EU’s ban on poultry import from Ukraine

What are the consequences of the EU’s ban on poultry import from Ukraine?

Every month following the ban on import of poultry and products made of it from the territory of Ukraine in connection with discovery of the bird flu incidents, the state is going to lose approximately UAH 150 million.

Such prohibition can lead to the glut in domestic chicken market, and if the producers are not able to redirect export flows, the prices are going to reduce.

As of September 2016 the EU countries received a quarter of all poultry exported by Ukraine that in terms of money is USD 52.5 million. The poultry is substantially supplied to Europe within the tax-free export quotas the annual amount which is 36 thous. tons (16 thous. tons of basic quota and 20 thous. tons of additional quota). On the average Ukraine exports up to 3 thous. tons of products to the EU every month.

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